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ICA Congress 2025 – Brazil 19-22 May


Why you should attend the ICA Congress

The ICA has scheduled our bi-annual Congress to take place in Brasilia, Brazil on the19th – 22nd of May, 2025. For all of you who have attended ICA Congress in past years, you understand the incredible opportunity that awaits.  Our industry, and particularly colored gemstones, has evolved into a global enterprise and our members, who represent forty-seven different countries, will gather, along with hundreds of industry colleagues, to partake in this always momentous event.

In addition to the opportunity to meet and mingle with the industry’s premier professionals, the four day event will highlight dozens of presentations from colored gemstone experts as we explore topics ranging from new mining sources and technology, highlights of the colored gemstone community’s efforts to improve and expand supply chain sustainability and integrity, emerging design concepts and manufacturing technology, and business leaders with strategies to help you drive success in your colored gemstone sales.

The Congress will be held at the beautiful Royal Tulip Brasilia Alvorada in Brasilia, Brazil, a UNESCO cultural heritage since 1987, and situated in the heart of the most prolific source of gemstones in the world.

This is truly a must attend event for any colored gemstone professional. Expand your status as a colored gemstone expert and nurture your spirit in Brazil’s outstanding culinary offerings. Register today and join us in Brazil as we gather to explore Gems for Generations.

Douglas Hucker

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